Rubik Gita

A Podcast Series by

Saurabh Sikka

in which is explained the process of

Solving the Bhagavad Gita like a Rubik Cube. That's right folks! Step right up and solve the mysteries once and for all! Too many confusing twists and turns in the narrative of the Bhagavad Gita? Is Wisdom better than Action, as Arjuna asks Krishna? Or is Devotion the final common denominator? Why does Krishna refer to God in the Third Person in some verses, and in the First Person in others? Who really wrote the Bhagavad Gita and why? Why is it impossible to overcome the Brahmins? So many questions!! Of the thousands who endeavor, hardly one finds the Truth. Subscribe now!

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23 July 2021

The Vedantists Reform Movement


In this chapter, the Vedantists inserted the Yoga of Analytical Intelligence, using common sense to overcome the letter of the law, of multiple scriptures. That is the core of the chapter. There are preceding verses explaing the concept of Brahman (Spirit) and it’s characteristics of Immortality and Ummutability that emerge from the question of Arjuna’s grief in the firt chapter, as further qualified by the Vedantists in order to give the appearance of continuity. However, barring the remnants of the original conversation that appears once, the emphasis is really on focusing one’s intelligence on Self-realization. The attack on the ritualistic Brahmins is at once direct and non-confrontational. The Vedantists urge the old schoolers to dovetail their practices into self-realization.

tags: vedanta, bhagavadgita, yoga, analytical, intelligence